domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Panic! At The Disco – Pretty Odd

Informações do CD

Artista: Panic! At The Disco
Álbum: Pretty Odd
Género: Rock Alternativo
Qualidade: 120 kbps (Boa)
Ano: 2008
Lista de Músicas

01. We’re So Starving
02. Nine in the Afternoon
03. She’s a Handsome Woman
04. Do You Know What I’m Seeing?
05. That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)
06. I Have Friends in Holy Spaces
07. Northern Downpour
08. When the Day Met the Night
09. Pas de Cheval
10. The Piano Knows Something I Don’t Know
11. Behind the Sea
12. Folkin’ Around
13- She Had the World
14. From a Mountain in the Middle of the Cabins
15. Mad as Rabbits 

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